E Club plans for coming year

Saturday, June 21, 2014

E Club members gathered on June 20, 2014 at Yangtze River Restaurant in Lexington for a lunch meetup to discuss plans for the coming year. Chair of NECINA Entrepreneur Programs Harry Gao introduced incoming E Club co-Directors Millie Kwan and Daijie Huang. Both were founding members of E Club. Millie is founder of CEC Business Solutions, Inc., doing business as The WSI Touch, a digital marketing agency that operates under the global WSI franchise. Daijie is founder of InnoTechnologies which has a mobile platform that enables people to create and find map interactive travelogues on the go.

Members brought many ideas and suggestions, as well as some action items. Here is a summary:

Establish E-club web presence
Secure a fixed location for regular E-club activities
Build E-club brand
Establish relationship with Universities.
Let members take ownerships of tasks.
Create up/down stream networking opportunities
Participate in job fairs
Build special interest groups, such as sales, china connections, and international markets
Setup a Wechat group and invite members to our LinkedIn group.